Sunday, February 23, 2014

Posting 4


The 2013 Porsche Panamera ranks 3 out of 10 Super Luxury Cars. This ranking is based on our analysis of published Reviews and test drives of the Porsche Panamera, as well as reliability and safety data. Although it only seats four, critics say that the 2013 Porsche Panamera offers a spacious and luxurious interior, as well as dynamic performance that few super luxury cars can match. It has a efficient and effective production system . The logistic from the raw material recieved and operation at the assembly line and until deliver to customer have the good planing . It has three diffrent place or factory to manufature the different part of the panamera .The engines are first assembled in Stuttgart, and the car's body is built and painted at the Volkswogen Group facility in Hannover. The final assembly of the vehicle takes place in LeipzigGermany, alongside the Cayenne. All the assembly line occur an affective and efficient management to make sure the quality are control .

The engines are assembled in Stuttgart , Germany . In the factory have a logistic area  which 46 times per day its recieved a delivery part . It has computer system to ensure right part on the right card to assembly line . The card is labelled on a one complete engine store together . After the checking complete , it takes 8 seconds the part living to engine plan . Its use the traveling transport system through computer database system . Its important to checking the complete set part of engine be prepare and each complete part are labelled . There are 190 parts are gathered together and its will labelled with the card . After all the part are ready complete assemble , its load on the truck in 2 minutes and 20 second and ready to send to the Leipzig .

The body part was assemble in Hannover , Germany also . The body must have a high lavel of quality control after the part are complete made through the staping machine . The body consist of 6 raw materials mix . After all the body was complete its move to the automatic warehouse . The warehouse is automatic which its coordinated the finish body part before its ready to be prepared  shipment to Leipzig . The shipment use of the railway modes transportation and monitor by the electronic nerve system which is to detect the every body part in the shipment freight .

The body part from Hannover had delivered by the rail and the engine is by the truck from Stuttgart . The recive system has the special lift system in the factory in Leipzig to arange the body , engine and all part . All the part are assemble completely to be finish goods which is the Panamera  in the factory  with the high efficient management system . All the inventory on each factory was manage by effectively to make sure the inventory control on thier production run smoothly.

The implemantation of JiT system on thier production helps the production to make the product on demand of customer , its had over 120 panamera in 1 day . The truck uses is on 150 untill 160 to move the inventory to each place to make sure the component arrived on schedule .

The management of the logistics must ensure over 20 000 part each days to move less then 24 hours . The logistic system and assembly system flow are connected to each other . Every factory have a customize place to allocate ientory so no inventory will lost and in a right quantity .

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